viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

This is why Machine Traslations suck

This is not mine!!! I copied and pasted this text (that I think it's hilarious). At the bottom there's the link I took it from, so you don't say this is plagiarism.

Machine translation?

Here's a test of Babelfish:

I typed in "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Babelfish produced these translations:

to French: l'esprit est disposé mais la chair est faible
to German: der Geist ist bereit, aber das Fleisch ist schwach
to Italian: lo spirito è disposto ma la carne è debole
to Portuguese: o espírito é disposto mas a carne é fraca
to Spanish: el alcohol está dispuesto pero la carne es débil

I then translated back to English. The results speak for themselves.

from French: the spirit is laid out but the flesh is weak
from German: the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak
from Italian: the spirit is arranged but the meat is weak person
from Portuguese: the spirit is made use but the meat is weak
from Spanish: the alcohol is arranged but the meat is weak

It did well enough with German on this nine-word test that I gave it another four words.
For "earth girls are easy" it gave me "Masse Mädchen sind einfach," which, translated back into English, came out "Mass girl are simple."

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